I was born and raised in the East. East Coast that is. Outside Philly in a little town called King of Prussia. There's a mall - sometimes you'll see the name in tandem with Paris - Milan - London in fashion spreads. Stop laughing. You think I'm kidding?
I just graduated from Emerson College and have spent the last few months doing what millions of tired, overeager, in-debt 20-somethings do: move to Los Angeles to pursue my dreams. What dream is that? I think financial stability would be the first thing in mind. Still, a career in the entertainment industry doesn't exactly put me in the vicinity of money anytime soon.

Long story short: I've been uprooted again. Thinking all the grey (gray?), hazy questions in my life would vanish with the clouds as I traveled above the earth was a big mistake. Things are just as confusing and difficult as they were in high school, college and now, in what the masses commonly refer to as "real life."
So now: Finished my last class a week ago. Working for a music video and commerical production company (how'd that happen?) and living with one of my best friends from college - who subsequently came out here on a whim to work as well. Couldn't have done it without her.

I miss the East Coast now and again. Why won't it rain here?
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