As the world focuses on unity and the accomplishments of humanity, Russia is attacking the Democratic Republic of Georgia. A beacon of democracy in the east, Georgia has spent the past week being ravaged mercilessly by Russia's vast, overwhelming army. My college roommate and best friend is from Georgia. Her family immigrated to America in the early 90's. I have spoken with her in various ways over the past week about what is going on in her country and its heartbreaking to hear about how brutally the modest country is being hit. She sent out an email with her concerns and message to her circle of friends. I though that is was important for everyone to hear.
Please read the following. For more information on the history of these two nations and their conflict check out the following link. I think it does a good job summarizing the incident.

May it be sadly expressed that as a concerned American citizen, but furthermore, a born and native Georgian, the events of this past week have been, horrific to say the least, shocking, unacceptable and deemed disproportionate by almost EVERY single political figurehead except for the ruthless Russian criminals who have strategically
planned a HORRIBLE attack on my country. Luckily no one in my family has been injured or killed, nor has my house been bombed (yet) but I cannot say what nightmares it gives me to know that innconent Georgian civilians are being killed for completely UNPROVOKED reasons and that my family members anxiously await explosions and occupation in central Tbilisi.
May it be brought to your attention and to the general International community that these actions are just ludicrous, and that Russia's superpowers will only further motivate fear, loss of respect and the loss of a healthy political relationship with the rest of the world for Russia. May it be also known that although there has been
relatively accurate coverage on this war, some WRONG information is being depicted, as Russia says that Georgia "brought it on to themselves". The Georgians are a meager 2,000 soldiers against hundreds of Russian tanks and thousands upon thousands of military units and aircrafts. Its makes me nauseous to even think about how
badly they could just annihilate my country, and trust, that word was even used to by the Russian motivation, as they want to "annihilate" and "liquidate" our Government. This is the 21st century, that is just plain crazy!!!!
So because America REALLY cannot afford another War, or even military intervention, the moral support of Americans and the awareness is what REALLLLY counts!!! They are trying to now overthrow our president, a wonderful and intelligent Democratic leader who has pretty much reformed our entire political system in 4 years time and advanced
Georgia to the Western European front. This CANNOT HAPPEN! Please please please I urge you to do anything you can in your powers to inform your local community that Georgia terribly suffers, and that if Russia is not stopped in their brutal murder of innocent civilians, there could be dramatic consequences for the greater International
Community, as Russians have literally lost all rationality in these circumstances and are saying that they want to rebuild the Soviet Union Empire and occupy Georgia! They are saying that Ukraine may be next, then the Baltics, then Central Asia...are you KIDDING ME!!!???
Below you will find the website for US Foreign Policy Senators, there is contact info if you feel the need say something, it would mean so much to me and my family, for if this escalates, we could literally lose our country, our homes and families!
Thanks for reading this guys!
love, Mariami

Global responsibility is something I think everyone needs to be aware of. We are all responsible to one another to keep this world a safe and desirable place to live. Easier said than done right? The first step to solving any problem is speaking up. Already protests have popped up here in Los Angeles and around the world. We can all take this step together. Spread the word, contract your government leaders and most of all, pray (in whatever fashion you adhere to) for the safety and resolution of those involved.
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