This is a poem that my brother wrote at Penn State University (Honors College). The assignment was to emulate another poet. He chose to look at the work of Theadore Roethke. This was the result.
The Reckoner by Jesse Cramer
You stand firmly among tables and charts
to build up one sum, to tear yet another apart
into fine specks of figures, refined
in every sense, now perfect, round and defined.
Toss them aside, forget it all, and rave
with me. Take my stretched palm, reaching to save
your mind muddled by aging school-teachers,
scientists pals and lunatic preachers.
First, add swaying hips and pulsing fingers,
subtracting any sense that lingers
in your throat. Mindlessly derivate passions
to thoughts into signals and actions.
When you have set all calculations beyond
reach, chalk my name, and I will respond
with a lean, a wave. Un-teach your drive
and you may find that two-and-two yields five.
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