I can't really say what I want to say.
I don't know what I should say.
I know exactly where I was a year ago today - down to the hour, minute, second.
I'm sorry for calling before you knew.
I miss you all.
I know we started something big.
I know there's a lot more jokes being told then tears being shed.
I know you're stronger than most.
I feel weaker sometimes.
I cry more.
I smile more.
I pray more.
You love more.
Your heart grows bigger.
The heavens get brighter.
The well dries up...
The water overflows.
I can't construct my sentences and manipulate my pen to tell you why.
I know there's a plan.
I know there's pain.
I know I'll be here and you'll be here.
I know he's there and I know He's there.
I know you know this.
I think that means we know enough.
I hope you're smiling.
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